Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Framing the view from my garden

Making a frame for the mountain on this particular morning, seemed like something creative to try.  Tom Torrens is a well known Northwest artist who created a bell that has stood on our patio for 20 years.  The frame for the first photo is part of that bell, and presented itself as the perfect accompaniment for a photograph on such a stellar morning. As the day progressed and the sun began to set, the cloud formations were nothing short of dazzling. And looking easterly, at the same moment as the sun disappeared behind the cloud bank, in the clarity of the brilliant late afternoon light - the mountain and Commencement Bay were equally beautiful.

Monday, January 2, 2012

In my garden!

What is a rose doing in bloom in my garden on the 2nd of January in a new year?  Clearly it's confused! But the beauty of its color, and arrangement of it's leaves, are an inspiration for these wintry days, and a reminder that out of darkness comes this beauty.  The rose was a gift from a friend, delivered in one of those four inch grocery store plastic pots, almost 11 years ago! Despite severe weather, being moved from our former garden to this new one and little attention this rose has continued to grow and flower - this year non stop since summer! Thanks Jill.
Meanwhile at the end of my garden, in that azure moment at the end of the day yesterday - January 1st, 2012 - the reflections of the lights at the Port of Tacoma danced across the open water creating a watercolor-like image for our late day enjoyment.
Different shades of blue papered the sky behind Mt. Rainier in the low light of late afternoon yesterday and I watched fascinated by a flurry of cloud on the SW side of the mountain.  The disturbance continued for sometime and what it was will remain a mystery but it was fascinating to watch the flurry of clouds in an isolated place on the flank of the mountain.