The Larson Gallery at Yakima Valley Community College is calling for entries in a competition titled "Nature by Design: New direction in Fiber and Jewelry". I have previously entered this gallery's every other year Art to Wear competition and even been accepted several times. When the prospectus dropped out of the pile of mail my interest was tweaked. Reading the jurors comments my interest dropped into the garbage bin of my mind ... "show me something I haven't seen.........." she asked. My immediate thought was ... there's nothing that hasn't been done already by one of the amazing, way more talented than me, creative fiber/textile artists I follow in the media. I put the idea aside.
It took driving on a rainy day through downtown Bellevue to re-tweak my interest and resurrect my curiousity from the bin! For days now I have been transforming photographs into printable sizes, running silk fabric through my ink jet printer to capture the images and sewing, sewing sewing. This has been a very new adventure for me ... certainly pushing my envelope way out. One garment is finished, working from images such as the one captured here. It certainly looks like Nature by Design to me. Now to work on the other one. Wonder what the jurors will think?
I wonder what they'll look like. I can't wait to see them.