News, Musings and Mt. Rainier Views From Ann Darling
Friday, March 26, 2010
Let the Pattern Sorting begin!
In a corner of my studio today sits an empty chairawaiting my arrival. Note the boxes on the floor surrounding that chair. It's the day of the great pattern sorting. Some people have collections of ceramic elephants, some have postcards of places they have visited or wish to visit while others have books lining every horizontal surface in their homes. The list of potential collectables is probably half as long in number as there are people. Even in homes where there is little other than the very basic items of life, I have found collections. There may not be as many items as thereare patterns in those boxes ... and other storage places ... but for now, following the very successful conclusion of the RAGS Wearable Art show and sale, it's time for the annual pattern sorting. The decision about whether to keep that 1980 jumpsuit pattern, with the bell bottom legs and decorative full length zipper down the front, weighs heavily upon me ... to the chair ... in the hopes that I will return, from under that pile of patterns, fabric etc, ... to write another day.
Much later ... would you just look at those boxed patterns: labeled and shelved and even a sack full of "no further use" in this studio patterns, ready to deliver to a painter friend who may incorporate them into an amazing work of art of a different nature! Next to tackle the fabric, thread, buttons and general "stuff" pile on the work table.
Following 35 years working in Health Care (as a Registered Nurse, Midwife and Health Educator) I now have the fun
and privilege of designing and creating fabrics,clothing, jewelry and accessories in my home-based studio in Tacoma. Photography has been a life-long interest.
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